Welcoming the Fasting Month Amid Corona Pandemic with the Umma Ramadhan Channel

This year’s Ramadhan will be different from previous years. The corona pandemic has made things different. The rapid transmission of the virus, making the physical distancing policy applied.

This guide was made as a reference so that people can worship according to religious law while preventing Covid-19 transmission. The community is expected to obey and follow the guidelines given to break the chain of transmission of Covid-19. Umma Ramadhan is here to help you do Ramadan activities

In the guide it is emphasized that all worship which had been carried out in mosques and held together, was centered at home with the nuclear family only.

It certainly feels heavy and suffocating, the mosque which has been full of various religious activities will suddenly become quiet and lonely. But we must be sure that it will only be temporary. Later when the corona pandemic wears off, let’s together the mosque immediately. You don’t have to wait for Ramadan to arrive.

It is precisely the current conditions in which we cannot worship in the mosque must increasingly motivate us to get closer and submit ourselves to Allah S.W.T.

We use the momentum of Ramadan 2020 for self-introspection and to stir up prayers, so that the plague of the 19th will soon subside. And our lives are back to normal as before.

Guide to Fasting During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Referring to the circular from the Ministry of Religion, here are the things that we can do so that our Ramadhan month is full of blessings even from home:
1. Keeping fasting according to Sharia religion, by carrying out the meal and open with the nuclear family.

2. Early prayer services and other fard prayers are held at home in congregation to increase faith and also increase family closeness.

3. Recitations or tadarus must be carried out at home with family or can also with friends or other relatives use online media with zoom facilities or the like.

4. Many learn the science of religion. At present there are many media that we can use to learn. We can choose study groups through whatsapp or others to follow.

Online boarding school programs for our sons and daughters are also available. We can choose the program that is suitable for our children.

5. To commemorate the Nuzulul Quran, the Takbir around, and Eid al-Fitr because the situation and conditions become nullified. Instead we can make a pact with several close friends and relatives to takbir online together.

In addition to getting closer to the power of power, joint takbir and online hospitality can increase a sense of kinship, togetherness, longing for healers and connectors of friendship.

6. Alms and alms must be carried out immediately. Right now our social care is being tested. Everyone experiences economic difficulties. It is time for us to worship while contributing to help others in need at this time.

For the procedure for collecting zakat and distributing it, it must still follow the SOP by prioritizing physical distancing so that there is no crowd. For technical implementation, the zakat committee is responsible for regulating it.